"Where should I devote my energy to, how can I create momentum?"
Did you know that Gandhi began his movement with a protest against a salt tax?
There are too many things we want to change in the world, but if we can't focus, we are overwhelmed and helpless. Thats why Gandhi targeted fair governance first.
Clarity is the key to social change. In the first step of 100k Ways, building on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and other focus areas, you define a clear target, an archimedic lever, the start of your journey:
What is your Purpose?
How to play the card game ?
How to use 100k ways?
"How can I create impact beyond the insular logic of business?"
How many people do you need to change the world? Sometimes its only one, if she is a whistleblower like Karen Silkwood, who unveiled the risk of nuclear plants in the 1970s.
There are too many things we want to change in the world, but if we can't focus, we are overwhelmed and helpless. Thats why Gandhi targeted fair governance first.
Slot Machine
More often it needs many people, many tools and a clever way to bring them together in an infrastructure for change. Our Impact model inspires and guides you by asking:
How do we create impact?
Card Game
​Play it in workshops or meetings to get the creative juices flowing!
What model of changing the world emerges if you combine the three cards?
How would such an organisation or person create change?
Flip the cards to see the backside, and explore facts, inspirional leaders and organisations.
Explore exercises here ...
​Play it in workhops as an inspirational game to explore new ways of changing the world:
Understand your current model of changing the world!
Replace or combine cards from your current model
Use the game to explore entirely new models of changing the world that may be important for you!
Explore exercises here ...
"It has never been more promising to fuel social change, how can I think and act beyond the obvious?"
Ressources are everywhere, they just need to be unleashed.
This is what Benny Adrion thought, when he linked selling mineral water to finance the cause of clean water and sanitation. And many other social entrepreneurs, too!
Workshop Facilitation
​If you look for inspiration and great facilitation i.e. for your organisation strategy, or for innovating and developing new initiatives, we can support you:
We use 100k ways and design thinking to support your process.
We have tested workshp formats that can be adapted to your needs.
We have world-class facilitators.
Explore our offers here ...
Overcoming the false dichotomy of business and non-profit, leveraging technolog for revolutionary funding models and adressing the rising global awareness for change. Building on our database of social changemakers we brought all the models together, to help you explore the question:
How do we mobilize resources?